Equine Search


After a year of looking for a horse and seeing unsuitable ones and missing out on some horses as they sold so quickly, I signed up with Prestige Equine Search and gave Ben a list of my requirements. Ben watched videos of my riding so he could find a suitable match and to prevent me from being over horsed.

The list  was fairly tough to achieve, but I was very pleased that within a week I had a horse to see, just half an hour away from me that turned out to be an excellent match.

I would have never have found this horse without Bens contacts and managed to see him and try him before he was even advertised.

I had a bit of bother from my insurance company and Bens recommendation on an alternative insurance company was invaluable.

I didn't put "microlight proof" on my list but it turns out the horse actually is.  

I wouldn't hesitate to use Prestige Equine Search again.